What is the importance of having a strategic Internal Communication?

All companies have the need to communicate with their employees and stakeholders, but those that gain team engagement and bring about better results are those that are concerned with acting in line with their objectives and organizational culture, through strategic Internal Communication. .

For this, initially, it is necessary to identify possible deficiencies or needs for improvements in the communication process. In this way, communication channels will be used more efficiently, knowing how to reach and give voice to employees through internal campaigns.

A company that values ​​communication with its employees identifies day-to-day benefits, whether in the dedication and productivity of its professionals, or in its external reputation.

In an increasingly competitive scenario, those that acquire a good image as an employer brand are valued by potential employees, who consider important, when choosing opportunities, points such as mental health and welcoming in the work environment.

How to implement a strategic Internal Communication

Defining communication strategies to achieve your goals, adequately reinforcing your values ​​and organizational culture is the first step. This makes it possible to carry out a diagnosis and plan for an efficient implementation, making it feasible to increase the team’s engagement and productivity , as well as attracting and retaining talent.

In addition, it is also possible to establish an alignment between the leadership discourse and the various hierarchical levels, creating or reinforcing a relationship of trust between the company and its employees. Actions like these help make them ambassadors for the organization and, consequently, improve the company’s reputation as an employer brand, ensuring that they are properly aligned with the organization’s discourses and goals.

Investing in communication with the public is essential for a brand and it is an attitude that the company’s HR sector must also support. The posture adopted towards the world must be aligned with that practiced in the work environment, since employees are the true representatives of the business and influencers of its reputation and credibility.

Transparency in the transfer of information, alignment with goals and integration between teams are capable of making employees feel more motivated and, consequently, more engaged with their tasks . After all, for an employee to have a positive delivery, it is essential that he see purpose in the task he performs.

Employees: the focus of Internal Communication

Engagement can even occur from sharing motivating information, which allows employees to feel united in favor of the same goal . Good communication is able to bring distant poles together and positively influence the organizational climate of the institution, avoiding conflicts and providing better results.

For this, changes may be necessary not only in communication channels, but also in the corporate environment. After all, the physical work spaces must reflect the company’s reality and values. The information passed on, in turn, needs to be related to messages that propagate the values, vision and mission of the institution, with a strategic proposal that is linked to its organizational culture .

This importance is due to the fact that, from the moment people start to feel comfortable and involved with the organization, it is natural for them to dedicate themselves more and present superior results to those who do not feel part of the whole.

Efficient Internal Communication also facilitates the integration of new employees into the team, as they will be welcomed by a consistent and welcoming team. Consequently, the turnover of people decreases, as those who have a feeling of relevance tend to be more satisfied and remain part of the company’s staff for longer.

Strategic Internal Communication Results

Observing the current scenario and analyzing the goal to be achieved, as well as the upcoming challenges, a specialized agency will be able to define the ideal Internal Communication strategy to achieve it — which may vary on a case-by-case basis and is intrinsically linked to the company’s policies and culture. company.

For this challenge to be resolved efficiently, it is essential that the company is aware of important tools capable of improving interaction between individuals and generating identity. After all, communicating is not just integrating, but also involving and generating value.

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