Wulensi Senior High


Gender: Mixed

Housing status: Day and boarding

Telephone:  024 479 3353

District: Nanumba South

Year of Establishment; 1991


To grow into a senior high school of exceptional quality, catering to graduates coming from all different sectors of the community and providing them with opportunities to engage in critical thinking as well as intellectual, spiritual, and emotional growth.


To ensure that students get interested in education and persistent in becoming competent leaders who would lead the betterment of their immediate environment and the country as a whole by making senior high education freely available and ensuring that students become interested in education.


This is a representation of education and agriculture as tools for development, and it is shown by a cutlass and a hoe that is crossed in the center of the symbol. The open book that is depicted below the crossed tools is meant to represent knowledge. The phrase “Bangsimn nye Kpeng” is what the school refers to as its motto in Dagbani, and it means “knowledge is power.”


(i)             The school was established in 1991 as part of the 1987 Education reform in Ghana

(ii)           It is located in Wulensi, the capital town of the Nanumba South District of the Northern Region. The school can be found at the Southern end of the town on Kpandai road.



(a)           Classrooms:- There are fifteen in all.

(b)           There is no science laboratory. There is however a computer laboratory.

(c)            The school has a library stocked with a little over 2,000 books Covering almost all subjects taught in the school.

(d)           The school has a sports oval located in the northeastern corner of the compound.




  • No. of Students (SHS 1): 480
  • No. of Students (SHS 2): 460
  • No. of Students (SHS 3): 464


  • Classrooms
  • Science Lab
  • ICT Lab.


  • One of the best schools in zone 7 sports federation.

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