Vitting Senior High-Tech


Gender: Mixed

Housing status: Day & Boarding

Telephone:  024 440 7377

District: Tamale Metropolitan

Year of Establishment; 1991


To be an institution that encourages students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate, and value the knowledge and skills that will assist them as life-long learners to engage in and contribute to the global world while simultaneously practising the core values of the school, which are respect, tolerance, and excellence. To be an institute that encourages students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate, and value the knowledge and skills that will assist them to engage in and contribute to the global world. To be an institution that gives students the opportunity to learn, exhibit, communicate, and place value on the information and abilities that will assist them in becoming lifelong learners who can actively participate in and contribute to the wider global community.


In order to cultivate young men and women who have minds that are active and creative, who have a feeling of empathy and compassion for other people, and who have the courage to act on their ideas.



Middle School was the original name of the institution until 1990, when it became known as the Experimental Junior Secondary School. The building underwent yet another transformation in 1991, this time becoming a Senior High Technical School. It may be found on the route that leads to the Tamale Teaching Hospital.


  • No. of Students (SHS 1): 625
  • No. of Students (SHS 2): 918
  • No. of Students (SHS 3): 533


  • 32 Classroom
  • Science Lab
  • Library
  • Computer Lab.


  • Best cadet corps in Tamale Metropolis in the 2016
    Independence Day Parade.

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