Is ChatGPT the Next Big Internet Revolution?

ChatGPT is a product developed by OpenIA. As a creation goal, it has to bring a super advanced free tool to the general public. Through it, it is possible to experience different types of interaction with artificial intelligence.

Through ChatGPT we were able to search for accurate and contextual answers from questions formulated by us and answered by AI in real time.

You can use the tool in different applications:

  • In the process of creating a virtual assistant;
  • In creating a chatbot;
  • On machine translation demands;
  • In the correction of formulas and computational codes;
  • In research of the most diverse subjects;
  • In the creation of creative content;
  • For automating tasks.

ChatGPT feeds on a neural network called Transformer. Through this database, there is an immediate understanding of the tool for different demands requested from it.

Thus, AI is able to answer any type of question with different types of information.

Currently, the ethical limits of using ChatGPT are discussed and, above all, how we can use the tool, which until now is free, in increasingly creative ways and aimed at solving our day-to-day problems.

Want to know more? We have prepared exclusive content so you can learn to use ChatGPT!

What is ChatGPT and what is it for?

In its development process, ChatGPT used a deep learning model. For its creation, the AI ​​reads and stores millions of examples of conversation and texts on the Internet. In this way, the tool manages to bring answers to complex questions, structured in an absolutely natural way.

Thus, it is possible to use the tool to seek answers to questions about any topic.

However, some questions must be raised regarding its use. As the tool only reproduces information collected up to the year 2021, some questions do not bring updated answers.

In this way, it is always up to the user who is creating the conversation to understand that the tool is just a way to search for information. That doesn’t mean, however, that it’s the only one.

For ordinary users, who are just looking for interactive processes with AI, it is possible to develop anything from a deep story about human dilemmas to even a study guide for a test at school or university.

For those people who are looking for a use that can make their day-to-day work easier, for example, it is possible to use ChatGPT to automate repetitive tasks, such as filling out a form or correcting a formula in a spreadsheet.

Currently, it can be said that this is the richest free experience in terms of interactivity with AIs. However, this does not mean that we only have advantages over the platform, as will be shown below.

Ethical dilemmas: To what extent can ChatGPT be harmful to educational development? And at work?

One of the biggest attractions of ChatGPT is certainly related to the fact that all of its answers are authentic, which does not mean, even so, that they are true, which can bring significant damage to educational development and that, above all, presents us with ethical dilemmas.

In France, for example, Sciences Po – Institute of Political Studies in Paris – banned the use of ChatGPT in its institution. If there is proof that the student used the tool in an academic production, it is even possible that he/she is expelled from the University. And, depending on how this interaction took place, even the entire French higher education system.

In Seattle, public schools have already created ways to prevent access to the tool because its use is considered harmful to student development.

The issue related to prohibition, however, goes beyond plagiarism, and the difficulty in seeking whether the text presented or the solution presented by the student is original.

That’s because ChatGPT can be quite convincing in structuring a response. Thus, one can be misled, especially if the information provided by the AI ​​is not properly checked.

As in any and all major technological revolutions, it is also necessary to discover what are its operational limits and, above all, to adjust society’s behaviour in relation to its use and experience.

How to use ChatGPT at work?

In professional situations, ChatGPT can be used in different ways, from scheduling different meetings to even writing copy for a new product that will hit the market.

Other uses can also be observed based on programming demands and the automation of features that are desirable for our customers, such as smarter chatbots with a real ability to solve problems.

However, when it comes to creativity, the situation is quite different. Dealing with a theme – whatever it may be – with the depth that the human mind can reach and with the reflections that can be elaborated, is still a purely human task.

Thus, the most creative aspects still depend, above all, on our intervention and the simple act of getting our hands dirty.

In this way, even though AI can offer very interesting insights, production can and should be left to us.

Technologies that contribute to your business

The technological revolution seems to be increasingly directed towards the demands of automating activities that normally demand time and human effort beyond what is necessary. This makes AI gain space in our lives and in our reality.

This is reflected in the personal assistants that are spreading in Pak homes and around the world and, now, also in the use of even more powerful tools, such as ChatGPT.

It is a fact that the more technology advances as a model of investigation and analysis of information, the more we have to gain in order to further develop those capacities that are truly unique to human beings.

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