Understand what mobile layout is and why it is an option for you!

The mobile layout is the version of a website adapted for mobile devices. It collaborates in the user experience in contact with the communication channels and, therefore, also brings benefits to the company. So, it becomes a real necessity, given the variety that the multiple screens we use on a daily basis have.

Therefore, it is very important that, when planning an application or website , you think about the ease that the user must have when interacting with these platforms, which are decisive for the return of the customer in the communication channels. So, developing these adaptations from scratch requires a lot of work and high investment, but in the end, the gain will be to provide your audience with a good interaction experience.

Thus, in this article we will discuss about the mobile layout, also bringing the concept of responsive layout. Giving tips on what to do before carrying out the development of an application or website for your business , also explaining its benefits and the impacts that will bring to your enterprise.


Before delving into concepts and strategies, we’ll talk about planning when it comes to laying out the communication channels between you and your client. This is an essential step, as it aims to offer your audience the best possible interaction experience, with no obstacles in the communication process.

That is, the planning must be thought in the sense of making pages that take little time to load, in which the most important information will be easily accessible. This will make the customer lose little time to find what he is looking for and will certainly make contact again.

It is also imperative to highlight that many people do not have mastery of new information and communication technologies. So, the layout must be objective, with a view to communicating in a simple way the information you want to convey. We will now talk about conceptual aspects involving the mobile layout and the responsive layout, addressing the differences between them and pointing out which is the best option. Check out!

Conceptualizing the Mobile Layout

The Mobile Layout, as already mentioned, is initially planned for mobile devices, that is, created with the user experience in mind when handling these specific tools. In this context, the site is developed from its own programming language, and its strategies cover the structure of information, such as images and topics listed in a menu, for example.

When the idea is to make a new version of the website, it is necessary to create a subdomain to host the mobile version. Thus, when a user accesses it, the site identifies from where the access is taking place, if it is from mobile devices, it will be redirected to the existing subdomain.

Benefits of Mobile Layout

As we have already said, creating a mobile layout requires effort and high investment, in terms of financial aspects. The benefits, however, come with this investment . Below are some examples of the advantages of the format:

higher speed

In this sense, speed is a striking feature of this type of layout, as this version is custom-developed. The consequence of this is better navigability and less overload on the device’s processor and internet allowance.

Best customer experience

This even promotes a good user experience, which will be able to make the most of all the website’s functionalities, which can guarantee their return on these communication channels.

Higher conversion rates

In a world permeated by new mobile information and communication technologies, not adapting your website for this type of access will cause conversion rates to drop, this happens because about 5.1 billion people use cell phones — 204 million of them are in Pak. Without mobile optimization, the message would reach fewer people.

Conceptualizing Responsive Mobile

Responsiveness is the layout’s ability to adapt to the screen size. Unlike responsive mobile, it does not require a subdomain to be created for the website to be hosted. That is, in the responsive layout, the website information is adjusted according to the screen size. However, this solution has a lower usability on the smartphone

As the information is still in the code, if the previously small window is enlarged, some items will reappear. That is, this type of layout prevents unnecessary items (those that will not be used) from being loaded. It is necessary, however, to weigh the benefits and cons of this type of configuration. Next, we will see its benefits.

Benefits of Responsive Layout

You can already infer that one of the benefits of this type of Layout is the low cost compared to mobile, however, we will go deeper and mention other benefits, in addition to this one, so that you can choose better.

Low cost

The aforementioned low cost is a great benefit that the responsive layout offers. Of course, when we offer the customer a better experience, the cost must be seen more carefully, as it can be a large investment in the medium and short term. However, those starting out in the business world (small and medium-sized entrepreneurs ) will benefit from this feature.


Responsive layouts also have this feature and are easier to load. As we have already said, this virtue improves the user experience , which will spend less time on the cell phone, saving you from the wear and tear of waiting for it to load.

Sharing on social networks

As it loads faster and promotes a better user experience, the chances of customers sharing their pages on social networks increase, as expectations met are often widespread.

Mobile Layout vs Responsive Layout

You must be wondering, after all, what are the essential differences between these two types of layout. Both are created with the user’s access experience in mind, what differentiates them is the work involved in development.

When creating a mobile version of your website, you will have to rely on a specialized team to carry out this type of work as well as possible, and this entails costs, which are often high. As for the responsive type , it can be easily developed in WordPress, for example.

Another difference is the development of strategies, which, on mobile, can be better redirected thinking about the public that uses these devices, this can be a differential that places this type of layout among the most suitable, in addition, the cost involved will be, in the really a great investment.

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