Email marketing for inactive customers: 6 tips before doing this practice!

Did you know that it is much more advantageous — and profitable — to work with clients who were already part of your active portfolio? However, what most managers don’t know is that it is possible to work on specific email marketing actions for inactive customers.

By adopting strategies to attract the attention of this audience, you will be able to retain a greater number of people in your portfolio and, consequently, increase your sales and business results. And this represents a great competitive advantage, helping to attract attention in the market.

Were you interested in the subject? In this post, we will present 6 tips on how email marketing can be worked into a strategy to reach your inactive customers. Continue reading and check it out!

Check out 6 tips to recover inactive customers with email marketing

There are several reasons why a person stops buying from a store, with lack of follow-up being the main cause of this distancing.

Whatever the reason for a customer to have become inactive, email marketing should be seen as a valuable ally for their recovery. Follow the best tips to achieve this goal below!

Segment your contracts

Our first tip is to gather information from your inactive contacts and segment what you gather, aiming to make communication via email more personal and positive. This is very important as a campaign based on the recipient’s behavior and preferences is always welcome.

Another necessary point is to verify who this lead is and why he became an inactive customer, in order to prevent problems from remaining. Also, it is not with a mass message that you will resume contact with someone inactive. So, when thinking about your strategy, remember to consider everything you know about each contact.

Create exclusive perks and offers

After segmenting the contacts and seeing who the inactive customers are, it’s time to start some exclusive offers. A good proposal is capable of attracting attention and making the customer have a relationship with your business again.

Remember, the customer doesn’t have to close a deal right away. The fact that he interacts with your brand again is already a good sign. When a person responds to contacts, it is possible that they show interest in the company’s product or service.

Content such as a webinar, e-book or even a spreadsheet, available for free, can be offered by email and awaken the will of this specific audience .

Create an attractive subject for the email

A very common situation is companies that develop great material for their audience, which end up being left aside and do not reach the proposed objective. And the main reason for this is the subject of the email, which is not attractive enough.

Know that there is no point in having an incredible offer in your email marketing if the subject of the message does not arouse people’s interest. So, create a compelling subject line so that inactive customers don’t have to think twice about accessing the email.

However, be careful not to overdo it. Word repetitions, excessive use of punctuation and expressions like “buy now” or “great offer” are important guidelines to follow.

Invest in a flow of personalized emails

It is possible that a single message to an inactive customer is not enough to reactivate or stimulate a reconnection with your brand. Because of this, creating an email flow is ideal.

There are several messaging automation tools and applications that provide inactive control. A well-thought-out and personalized marketing strategy is a good idea to avoid overloading your team.

Automate email marketing triggers

The  automation  of messages via e-mail can optimize working time and allows you to carry out complete strategies together with your team. A very nice benefit and, in a way, easy to apply.

Many businesses already use the automation system and, with that, it is possible to free up space in the agendas to think about strategic actions. This helps to enhance the service as a whole, as the attention to consumers is the best and most targeted possible.

Invest in mental triggers

When a person identifies with a product, the chances that they close the deal are quite high, aren’t they? Therefore, another tip to recover inactive customers is to use mental triggers in email marketing.

A mental trigger is like a light that turns on in the brain, causing the person to take action more quickly. There are several types of triggers, such as belonging, urgency, commitment, scarcity and reciprocity, for example.

In the email marketing strategy, one of the most valuable triggers is belonging. Offering an exclusive discount or gifts, for example, it will be easier to recover the consumer who stopped buying from your company.

Learn how to hire an email marketing specialist company

After checking out our tips, you now know how email marketing can make a difference in your company to recover inactive customers, right?

At this point, it is common to be in doubt about how to find the best company to manage your strategy. See our tips for making a good choice:

    • do research on the internet and ask for directions from those who have already hired this type of service;
    • when finding possible candidates, explore the content produced by them, observing if the materials are of quality and bring market innovations;
    • also don’t forget to compare prices, evaluating all elements of the proposals presented, from the service to be provided to the promised results;
    • search the comments of other customers on social networks and talk to people who have already done business with her;
    • When contacting a company, ask all the questions you need and see if they are able to meet your needs.

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