User Experience (UX): what is it and how does it relate to the success of your website?

When a person has a good experience with a product or service, both in their first contact with the company and after closing the deal, the chances that they will be more satisfied and loyal are much higher. That’s why providing a more intuitive and enjoyable journey for users is so important.

In the virtual environment, there are several aspects that can positively or negatively affect this experience. On a website, for example, a quality design can make the customer’s journey much more pleasant and useful.

At that moment, the concept of User Experience (UX) emerges, which must always be considered by companies in the development of digital and physical products, as well as in the elaboration of website design. But do you know what User Experience Design is? And what are your principles? Keep reading to check out the main information on the subject!

What is User Experience?

User Experience, known by its acronym in English UX, means User Experience. Basically, UX consists of the experience that a person has with a certain product or service from a company. In this sense, UX Design is the user experience with the design of a product.

This is a determining factor for the success or failure of an organization, as it represents the way consumers interact with the brand. If he has a positive experience , the deal will be closed and the company’s goals will be achieved.

With that, we can say that the focus of the User Experience is totally on the customers. In this way, products and services must be designed taking into account, above all, the needs of users.

The term was created in the 1990s by engineer Donald Norman, who worked at the time at Apple, a company that is a reference in UX.

What is its importance for the performance of companies?

When putting User Experience Design into practice, the main objective is to provide enchanting experiences to consumers, in order to retain them and win over new people. With this, several benefits can be enjoyed by the company.

The main advantage is the positive impact on the brand image, which increases the sales potential of the product or service. In the case of website design, good UX development is essential for people to be able to access all the features of the page and convince them of its reliability, in addition, of course, to delivering a useful and pleasant journey.

To reach this end, it is necessary to study human behavior and the best service solutions to optimize user satisfaction. Thus, UX also helps the company to remain competitive in the market.

What are the principles of User Experience (UX)?

The User Experience is in constant transformation, as it is an area that evolves according to the expectations and needs of customers. However, the concept is guided by some basic principles, which contribute to the assertiveness of the work and the identification of problems. Find out what these principles are below.


A very important aspect to be taken into account is whether what is being offered to the user is easy and quick to use. After all, in an increasingly agile world, people don’t want to waste time.

For this, the company needs to invest in an objective and consistent language, in order to provide the best experiences and solve the needs and expectations of the consumer.


Another pillar of the UX is simplicity — you must go straight to the point, especially when creating content and websites, so that interactions are made without beating around the bush. And a direct reflection of simplicity is greater transparency for the business image.


When accessing the company’s website , people need to know exactly where they are. For this, the user experience must be contextual, that is, customers cannot feel lost or overwhelmed with information. If this occurs, the desire to purchase will undoubtedly be left aside.


Nowadays, competitiveness is increasing in the market. One of the ways to stand out is to make people identify with what is being offered, which can be done through humanized content.

Putting this aspect into practice, consumers will feel safer and closer to the brand, having the feeling that they are talking to a human being, not a machine.

How does User Experience (UX) work?

After understanding the main information about User Experience, it’s time to learn how this concept works in practice. Check out:

  • the first step is to understand the challenge to be solved. It can be comprehensive (involving the entire user experience) or specific (how to improve interaction during payment), for example;
  • to develop the work it is necessary to involve some research activities, such as interviewing customers and the company’s team , gathering market information, benchmarking services, among others;
  • then it is time to study how to solve the challenges. Among the methodologies used at this time is information architecture, interaction design and task flows;
  • finally, based on the information collected and the methodologies applied, the company can implement the most appropriate solutions for the business, aiming at the best possible experience for users.

Which techniques are not considered UX?

As the concept of UX is quite comprehensive, many people may confuse it with other strategies. The main one is User Interface (UI), or User Interface, which despite being complementary to UX, is a different term.

While UX designers work to solve user experience issues, UI professionals are tasked with bringing brand identity to products and making the interface usable. Among the UI functionalities is the availability of navigation bars, informative components and input controls on websites, for example.

As you have seen throughout this article, the concept of User Experience Design aims to create enchanting experiences for customers to retain them and build a reputation for the brand. Therefore, you need to constantly think about how to make your product or service as attractive as possible to the target audience .

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